home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /usr/bin/perl
- # -*-Perl-*-
- #
- # Perl filter to handle the log messages from the checkin of files in
- # a directory. This script will group the lists of files by log
- # message, and mail a single consolidated log message at the end of
- # the commit.
- #
- # This file assumes a pre-commit checking program that leaves the
- # names of the first and last commit directories in a temporary file.
- #
- # Contributed by David Hampton <hampton@cisco.com>
- #
- # hacked greatly by Greg A. Woods <woods@planix.com>
- # Usage: log_accum.pl [-d] [-s] [-w] [-M module] [-u user] [[-m mailto] ...] [[-R replyto] ...] [-f logfile]
- # -d - turn on debugging
- # -m mailto - send mail to "mailto" (multiple)
- # -R replyto - set the "Reply-To:" to "replyto" (multiple)
- # -M modulename - set module name to "modulename"
- # -f logfile - write commit messages to logfile too
- # -s - *don't* run "cvs status -v" for each file
- # -w - show working directory with log message
- # -u user - $USER passed from loginfo
- #
- # Configurable options
- #
- # set this to something that takes a whole message on stdin
- $MAILER = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
- #
- # End user configurable options.
- #
- # Constants (don't change these!)
- #
- $STATE_NONE = 0;
- $STATE_LOG = 4;
- $LAST_FILE = "/tmp/#cvs.lastdir";
- $CHANGED_FILE = "/tmp/#cvs.files.changed";
- $ADDED_FILE = "/tmp/#cvs.files.added";
- $REMOVED_FILE = "/tmp/#cvs.files.removed";
- $LOG_FILE = "/tmp/#cvs.files.log";
- $FILE_PREFIX = "#cvs.files";
- #
- # Subroutines
- #
- sub cleanup_tmpfiles {
- local($wd, @files);
- $wd = `pwd`;
- chdir("/tmp") || die("Can't chdir('/tmp')\n");
- opendir(DIR, ".");
- push(@files, grep(/^$FILE_PREFIX\..*\.$id$/, readdir(DIR)));
- closedir(DIR);
- foreach (@files) {
- unlink $_;
- }
- unlink $LAST_FILE . "." . $id;
- chdir($wd);
- }
- sub write_logfile {
- local($filename, @lines) = @_;
- open(FILE, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open log file $filename.\n");
- print FILE join("\n", @lines), "\n";
- close(FILE);
- }
- sub append_to_logfile {
- local($filename, @lines) = @_;
- open(FILE, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open log file $filename.\n");
- print FILE join("\n", @lines), "\n";
- close(FILE);
- }
- sub format_names {
- local($dir, @files) = @_;
- local(@lines);
- $format = "\t%-" . sprintf("%d", length($dir)) . "s%s ";
- $lines[0] = sprintf($format, $dir, ":");
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "format_names(): dir = ", $dir, "; files = ", join(":", @files), ".\n";
- }
- foreach $file (@files) {
- if (length($lines[$#lines]) + length($file) > 65) {
- $lines[++$#lines] = sprintf($format, " ", " ");
- }
- $lines[$#lines] .= $file . " ";
- }
- @lines;
- }
- sub format_lists {
- local(@lines) = @_;
- local(@text, @files, $lastdir);
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "format_lists(): ", join(":", @lines), "\n";
- }
- @text = ();
- @files = ();
- $lastdir = shift @lines; # first thing is always a directory
- if ($lastdir !~ /.*\/$/) {
- die("Damn, $lastdir doesn't look like a directory!\n");
- }
- foreach $line (@lines) {
- if ($line =~ /.*\/$/) {
- push(@text, &format_names($lastdir, @files));
- $lastdir = $line;
- @files = ();
- } else {
- push(@files, $line);
- }
- }
- push(@text, &format_names($lastdir, @files));
- @text;
- }
- sub append_names_to_file {
- local($filename, $dir, @files) = @_;
- if (@files) {
- open(FILE, ">>$filename") || die("Cannot open file $filename.\n");
- print FILE $dir, "\n";
- print FILE join("\n", @files), "\n";
- close(FILE);
- }
- }
- sub read_line {
- local($line);
- local($filename) = @_;
- open(FILE, "<$filename") || die("Cannot open file $filename.\n");
- $line = <FILE>;
- close(FILE);
- chop($line);
- $line;
- }
- sub read_logfile {
- local(@text);
- local($filename, $leader) = @_;
- open(FILE, "<$filename");
- while (<FILE>) {
- chop;
- push(@text, $leader.$_);
- }
- close(FILE);
- @text;
- }
- sub build_header {
- local($header);
- local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
- $header = sprintf("CVSROOT:\t%s\nModule name:\t%s\nRepository:\t%s\nChanges by:\t%s@%s\t%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
- $cvsroot,
- $modulename,
- $dir,
- $login, $hostdomain,
- $year%100, $mon+1, $mday,
- $hour, $min, $sec);
- }
- sub mail_notification {
- local(@text) = @_;
- # if only we had strftime()... stuff stolen from perl's ctime.pl:
- local($[) = 0;
- @DoW = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
- @MoY = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
- 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
- # Determine what time zone is in effect.
- # Use GMT if TZ is defined as null, local time if TZ undefined.
- # There's no portable way to find the system default timezone.
- #
- $TZ = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? ( $ENV{'TZ'} ? $ENV{'TZ'} : 'GMT' ) : '';
- # Hack to deal with 'PST8PDT' format of TZ
- # Note that this can't deal with all the esoteric forms, but it
- # does recognize the most common: [:]STDoff[DST[off][,rule]]
- #
- if ($TZ =~ /^([^:\d+\-,]{3,})([+-]?\d{1,2}(:\d{1,2}){0,2})([^\d+\-,]{3,})?/) {
- $TZ = $isdst ? $4 : $1;
- $tzoff = sprintf("%05d", -($2) * 100);
- }
- # perl-4.036 doesn't have the $zone or $gmtoff...
- ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst, $zone, $gmtoff) =
- ($TZ eq 'GMT') ? gmtime(time) : localtime(time);
- $year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
- if ($gmtoff != 0) {
- $tzoff = sprintf("%05d", ($gmtoff / 60) * 100);
- }
- if ($zone ne '') {
- $TZ = $zone;
- }
- # ok, let's try....
- $rfc822date = sprintf("%s, %2d %s %4d %2d:%02d:%02d %s (%s)",
- $DoW[$wday], $mday, $MoY[$mon], $year,
- $hour, $min, $sec, $tzoff, $TZ);
- open(MAIL, "| $MAILER");
- print MAIL "Date: " . $rfc822date . "\n";
- print MAIL "Subject: CVS Update: " . $modulename . "\n";
- print MAIL "To: " . $mailto . "\n";
- print MAIL "Reply-To: " . $replyto . "\n";
- print MAIL "\n";
- print MAIL join("\n", @text), "\n";
- close(MAIL);
- }
- sub write_commitlog {
- local($logfile, @text) = @_;
- open(FILE, ">>$logfile");
- print FILE join("\n", @text), "\n";
- close(FILE);
- }
- #
- # Main Body
- #
- # Initialize basic variables
- #
- $debug = 0;
- $id = getpgrp(); # note, you *must* use a shell which does setpgrp()
- $state = $STATE_NONE;
- chop($hostname = `hostname`);
- chop($domainname = `domainname`);
- if ($domainname !~ '^\..*') {
- $domainname = '.' . $domainname;
- }
- $hostdomain = $hostname . $domainname;
- $cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
- $do_status = 1; # moderately useful
- $show_wd = 0; # useless in client/server
- $modulename = "";
- # parse command line arguments (file list is seen as one arg)
- #
- while (@ARGV) {
- $arg = shift @ARGV;
- if ($arg eq '-d') {
- $debug = 1;
- print STDERR "Debug turned on...\n";
- } elsif ($arg eq '-m') {
- if ($mailto eq '') {
- $mailto = shift @ARGV;
- } else {
- $mailto = $mailto . ", " . shift @ARGV;
- }
- } elsif ($arg eq '-R') {
- if ($replyto eq '') {
- $replyto = shift @ARGV;
- } else {
- $replyto = $replyto . ", " . shift @ARGV;
- }
- } elsif ($arg eq '-M') {
- $modulename = shift @ARGV;
- } elsif ($arg eq '-u') {
- $login = shift @ARGV;
- } elsif ($arg eq '-s') {
- $do_status = 0;
- } elsif ($arg eq '-w') {
- $show_wd = 1;
- } elsif ($arg eq '-f') {
- ($commitlog) && die("Too many '-f' args\n");
- $commitlog = shift @ARGV;
- } else {
- ($donefiles) && die("Too many arguments! Check usage.\n");
- $donefiles = 1;
- @files = split(/ /, $arg);
- }
- }
- if ($login eq '') {
- $login = getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || "nobody";
- }
- ($mailto) || die("No mail recipient specified (use -m)\n");
- if ($replyto eq '') {
- $replyto = $login;
- }
- # for now, the first "file" is the repository directory being committed,
- # relative to the $CVSROOT location
- #
- @path = split('/', $files[0]);
- # XXX There are some ugly assumptions in here about module names and
- # XXX directories relative to the $CVSROOT location -- really should
- # XXX read $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules, but that's not so easy to do, since
- # XXX we have to parse it backwards.
- # XXX
- # XXX Fortunately it's relatively easy for the user to specify the
- # XXX module name as appropriate with a '-M' via the directory
- # XXX matching in loginfo.
- #
- if ($modulename eq "") {
- $modulename = $path[0]; # I.e. the module name == top-level dir
- }
- if ($#path == 0) {
- $dir = ".";
- } else {
- $dir = join('/', @path);
- }
- $dir = $dir . "/";
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "module - ", $modulename, "\n";
- print STDERR "dir - ", $dir, "\n";
- print STDERR "path - ", join(":", @path), "\n";
- print STDERR "files - ", join(":", @files), "\n";
- print STDERR "id - ", $id, "\n";
- }
- # Check for a new directory first. This appears with files set as follows:
- #
- # files[0] - "path/name/newdir"
- # files[1] - "-"
- # files[2] - "New"
- # files[3] - "directory"
- #
- if ($files[2] =~ /New/ && $files[3] =~ /directory/) {
- local(@text);
- @text = ();
- push(@text, &build_header());
- push(@text, "");
- push(@text, $files[0]);
- push(@text, "");
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chop; # Drop the newline
- push(@text, $_);
- }
- &mail_notification($mailto, @text);
- exit 0;
- }
- # Check for an import command. This appears with files set as follows:
- #
- # files[0] - "path/name"
- # files[1] - "-"
- # files[2] - "Imported"
- # files[3] - "sources"
- #
- if ($files[2] =~ /Imported/ && $files[3] =~ /sources/) {
- local(@text);
- @text = ();
- push(@text, &build_header());
- push(@text, "");
- push(@text, $files[0]);
- push(@text, "");
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chop; # Drop the newline
- push(@text, $_);
- }
- &mail_notification(@text);
- exit 0;
- }
- # Iterate over the body of the message collecting information.
- #
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chop; # Drop the newline
- if (/^In directory/) {
- if ($show_wd) { # useless in client/server mode
- push(@log_lines, $_);
- push(@log_lines, "");
- }
- next;
- }
- if (/^Modified Files/) { $state = $STATE_CHANGED; next; }
- if (/^Added Files/) { $state = $STATE_ADDED; next; }
- if (/^Removed Files/) { $state = $STATE_REMOVED; next; }
- if (/^Log Message/) { $state = $STATE_LOG; next; }
- s/^[ \t\n]+//; # delete leading whitespace
- s/[ \t\n]+$//; # delete trailing whitespace
- if ($state == $STATE_CHANGED) { push(@changed_files, split); }
- if ($state == $STATE_ADDED) { push(@added_files, split); }
- if ($state == $STATE_REMOVED) { push(@removed_files, split); }
- if ($state == $STATE_LOG) { push(@log_lines, $_); }
- }
- # Strip leading and trailing blank lines from the log message. Also
- # compress multiple blank lines in the body of the message down to a
- # single blank line.
- #
- while ($#log_lines > -1) {
- last if ($log_lines[0] ne "");
- shift(@log_lines);
- }
- while ($#log_lines > -1) {
- last if ($log_lines[$#log_lines] ne "");
- pop(@log_lines);
- }
- for ($i = $#log_lines; $i > 0; $i--) {
- if (($log_lines[$i - 1] eq "") && ($log_lines[$i] eq "")) {
- splice(@log_lines, $i, 1);
- }
- }
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "Searching for log file index...";
- }
- # Find an index to a log file that matches this log message
- #
- for ($i = 0; ; $i++) {
- local(@text);
- last if (! -e "$LOG_FILE.$i.$id"); # the next available one
- @text = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", "");
- last if ($#text == -1); # nothing in this file, use it
- last if (join(" ", @log_lines) eq join(" ", @text)); # it's the same log message as another
- }
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR " found log file at $i.$id, now writing tmp files.\n";
- }
- # Spit out the information gathered in this pass.
- #
- &append_names_to_file("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", $dir, @changed_files);
- &append_names_to_file("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id", $dir, @added_files);
- &append_names_to_file("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", $dir, @removed_files);
- &write_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", @log_lines);
- # Check whether this is the last directory. If not, quit.
- #
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "Checking current dir against last dir.\n";
- }
- $_ = &read_line("$LAST_FILE.$id");
- if ($_ ne $cvsroot . "/" . $files[0]) {
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR sprintf("Current directory %s is not last directory %s.\n", $cvsroot . "/" .$files[0], $_);
- }
- exit 0;
- }
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR sprintf("Current directory %s is last directory %s -- all commits done.\n", $files[0], $_);
- }
- #
- # End Of Commits!
- #
- # This is it. The commits are all finished. Lump everything together
- # into a single message, fire a copy off to the mailing list, and drop
- # it on the end of the Changes file.
- #
- #
- # Produce the final compilation of the log messages
- #
- @text = ();
- @status_txt = ();
- push(@text, &build_header());
- push(@text, "");
- for ($i = 0; ; $i++) {
- last if (! -e "$LOG_FILE.$i.$id"); # we're done them all!
- @lines = &read_logfile("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
- if ($#lines >= 0) {
- push(@text, "Modified files:");
- push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
- }
- @lines = &read_logfile("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
- if ($#lines >= 0) {
- push(@text, "Added files:");
- push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
- }
- @lines = &read_logfile("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
- if ($#lines >= 0) {
- push(@text, "Removed files:");
- push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
- }
- if ($#text >= 0) {
- push(@text, "");
- }
- @lines = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", "\t");
- if ($#lines >= 0) {
- push(@text, "Log message:");
- push(@text, @lines);
- push(@text, "");
- }
- if ($do_status) {
- local(@changed_files);
- @changed_files = ();
- push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
- push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
- push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "main: pre-sort changed_files = ", join(":", @changed_files), ".\n";
- }
- sort(@changed_files);
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "main: post-sort changed_files = ", join(":", @changed_files), ".\n";
- }
- foreach $dofile (@changed_files) {
- if ($dofile =~ /\/$/) {
- next; # ignore the silly "dir" entries
- }
- if ($debug) {
- print STDERR "main(): doing 'cvs -nQq status -v $dofile'\n";
- }
- open(STATUS, "-|") || exec 'cvs', '-nQq', 'status', '-v', $dofile;
- while (<STATUS>) {
- chop;
- push(@status_txt, $_);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Write to the commitlog file
- #
- if ($commitlog) {
- &write_commitlog($commitlog, @text);
- }
- if ($#status_txt >= 0) {
- push(@text, @status_txt);
- }
- # Mailout the notification.
- #
- &mail_notification(@text);
- # cleanup
- #
- if (! $debug) {
- &cleanup_tmpfiles();
- }
- exit 0;